This week I’m taking my own advice, letting go of my plan and allowing what is. I did that when I encountered these fledgling bluebirds as I was walking back to my car. My brain had started to whir with the demands of the work day but these guys were so delightful I let that all go and photographed them as long as they would let me.
Yesterday it was hot and I intended to come back from a brief walk and journal and write. Instead, I ended up cleaning out my closet. My closet is small and I usually clear it out every year. Anything that hasn’t been worn in two years goes. The pandemic shifted that plan - no need to wear the “office” clothes but I thought I might need them eventually. Yesterday I looked at them, hanging there with dust on top, and realized I never liked these clothes. I bought them because they fit the narrative. I bought them because I thought I had to look this way. Synthetic clothes for a synthetic me. Yesterday I let them all go.
Today I intended to write a beautiful poem about letting go. Instead, I woke up in the night with my back all tightened up. Today sitting is out of the plan so the writing is short. Today I will do the things I need to do to help my muscles let go and hopefully come back to rest. And if they don’t, I will be letting go tomorrow too.
Sometimes it’s all about letting go. Letting go of the life I’m planning, the life I expect, the life my mind is comfortable with and embracing the life that’s here. Not in some grand way but in a minute by minute, every day kind of way. Letting go of who I was and who I thought I would be and embracing who I am right now.
Speaking of letting go, this husky had the right idea for a hot day!
Be well friends, with whatever life has thrown your way.
Brava, Karen! I've been mulling the kind of closet culling/curating you've just done for some time now. You have inspired me to get on with it and let go of those items that represent who I was (both physically and in terms of self-image) and who I think I "should" be (again). Time to let it -- both the "stuff" and the outdated self-image -- go and let what is, including me, just BE! "There must be a pony in there somewhere!" ;-)
Hope your back is feeling better ❤️🙏