Graceful tern, teach me to look over the waters of my life, knowing when to dive in and when to fly on.
Hello friends! Welcome to birthday week post #3, this week my regular posts for paid subscribers are going to everyone as mentioned in the last two posts. Today I’m highlighting some of the most joyful birds that migrate through my world, the terns. Terns are birds of the wetlands, lakes and ocean shores. They are aerial acrobats, diving much like osprey from high over the water, plunging full speed into the water to catch fish. They have screeching voices and they are very vocal in asserting themselves among their mates.
Here are some of the terns I saw this spring:
I’ve written about terns before, last year, when it seems like I had more sightings and better photos and in 2020 when I had a banded tern in the fall. Someday I need to post the photos, video and story about the time I helped rescue a juvenile Caspian tern and got to release him with a flock or the time the fishermen at the dock helped feed a youngster until he was strong enough to join a flock headed south. What a privilege it is to occasionally be able to help these birds that bring such joy. I already can’t wait until they return in the fall!
I learn sooo much from your posts and photos. Thanks!!
Love the Terns… they are amazing ❤️😍👍