All it takes is one. One hawk. One swirl of dragonflies. One unusual grackle. Just one and I am reminded again of the wonder of the universe.
Hello friends! This week has been sooooooo busy at work but every single day Nature has had something to share with me that makes me stop and marvel at the wonder of it all. I haven’t gotten to the photos yet, grateful for a long weekend when I can hopefully catch up! But I can give you a sneak peak of some wonderful moments, some of which I will talk more about on Sunday!
That big, beautiful full moon dropped perfectly into the little notch between the trees this morning (Thursday) just before it set.
Check out this gorgeous beauty - a juvenile Mississippi kite! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a juvenile before and I know I’ve never seen a kite this close!
I had a whole experience with a flock of grackles this morning which ended with this leucistic bird. Fascinating!
So many little fawns out with their mamas right now!
I have a video of young turkey vulture playing in the sand I hope I get to as well!
This tiny (no more than 2 inches) little soft-shelled turtle was struggling and too far from the water. I had to find a way to pick him up without squishing him - which I did. I set him down at the waters edge, got distracted by a great egret and when I looked back a minute later he was gone. I hope he makes it in the water!
The chimney swifts were enjoying the swirls of bugs this week, but it was the dragonflies that first took my breath away. Another video I need to get to!
Ah summer sunrises but I am glad the sunrise time has moved back and I can get there (usually) a bit earlier for those softer pre-sunrise colors.
The bucks definitely get there early and then disappear before there’s really enough light for the camera. They are so majestic.
These two were hanging out near each other.
I think it’s my first shot of a feather floating over a school of fish!
I’m ready for a deep breath, some slower movement and processing some photos and videos! Take good care of yourselves and may you notice the little miracles along the way.
Thank you for reading! Feel free to share this post with others you think might enjoy it!
Delightful! What a gorgeous capture of the moon.
Beautiful photos! That super blue moon was amazing!