“My God, help me believe the truth about myself no matter how beautiful it is.” - Sister Macrina Wiederkehr
Hello friends! How’s your week going? Mine’s started off busy - as usual. I’m really glad for my walks in nature and I really enjoy going through the photos to select them for each of these posts. Today we have lots of splashes, which are very common in March. I hope you enjoy today’s selections!
What did you see?
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Growing to really love the splashes! Not just for what image they bring to mind, though I enjoy doing that too, but I think I am getting to see splashes that I normally miss because my eyesight is not fast enough to see what actually happens. I first became aware of my 'slow eyesight' when watching baseball pitches with my father. Very hard for me to see when a pitch was outside or those that dropped close to the batter. Even at 80+ dad saw what was happening! He also had a keen eye for birds! With your beautiful splash pictures, I now get to see what I have been missing! So fun and, so pretty! Many thanks! 😊✨🤗
I see the tail of a mermaid
Growing to really love the splashes! Not just for what image they bring to mind, though I enjoy doing that too, but I think I am getting to see splashes that I normally miss because my eyesight is not fast enough to see what actually happens. I first became aware of my 'slow eyesight' when watching baseball pitches with my father. Very hard for me to see when a pitch was outside or those that dropped close to the batter. Even at 80+ dad saw what was happening! He also had a keen eye for birds! With your beautiful splash pictures, I now get to see what I have been missing! So fun and, so pretty! Many thanks! 😊✨🤗