“If you want to fly, give up everything that weighs you down.” - Toni Morrison (thank you to the reader who let me know Toni Morrison was the proper author of this quote)
Hello friends! Today I’m highlighting one of my favorite winter ducks, the common goldeneye. These are usually very skittish birds, they will fly at the first hint of movement, so I am always grateful to get a photo. They whistle when they fly and it’s one of my favorite winter sounds! (Listen to “Wing Sound” here.)
Wow. Just amazing work. When you marry patience with love the results are superlative. I don’t know if you want to monetize your efforts or not but you certainly have the artistic inventory. Just fabulous Karen Davis…
Wow. Just amazing work. When you marry patience with love the results are superlative. I don’t know if you want to monetize your efforts or not but you certainly have the artistic inventory. Just fabulous Karen Davis…
I listened to the wind song of the one taking flight. Sooo cool. Thanks for the link. Your photography is amazing too.