“Happy bird day to me, happy bird day to me!” (Lol - it’s my birthday and what’s better than a bird day?
Hello friends! It’s the best day of the year - my birthday of course! And what do I want for my birthday this year? I want REST. I am ready for a couple extra days of accomplishing absolutely nothing. Of course, there are all the things still to do but for a few days I am prioritizing enjoyment and rest - and they can be the same because I plan to enjoy resting!
I’m also offering a birthday discount for paid subscriptions to the newsletter through this holiday weekend.
Meanwhile, I have plenty of birds - and a tree - to share on this happy bird day!
May your weekend be full of joy and rest, whatever that looks like for you!
Life in the Real World is a reader-supported publication. Any support is appreciated! You can support this work for as little as $5. Through Memorial Day I’m offering a discount on annual subscriptions in honor of my birthday!
Happy Birdday to you! May you allow yourself the rest you need-a great birthday present! The photos today made me smile-so many of my favorite birds! The blue herons here in Maryland are magnificent and I have just elatedly seen bluebirds in my back yard! Peace and rest to you, my friend.
Happy Birthday Karen~ 🎂🎉💕~ my wish for you~ is for you to receive ~all the love your heart can hold ~ and much needed rest~ thank you for all you do ~in sharing your beautiful gift of photography with all of us~ much love
Happy Birdday to you! May you allow yourself the rest you need-a great birthday present! The photos today made me smile-so many of my favorite birds! The blue herons here in Maryland are magnificent and I have just elatedly seen bluebirds in my back yard! Peace and rest to you, my friend.
Happy Birthday Karen~ 🎂🎉💕~ my wish for you~ is for you to receive ~all the love your heart can hold ~ and much needed rest~ thank you for all you do ~in sharing your beautiful gift of photography with all of us~ much love