The days after are such glorious days. The lights fade, the noise recedes to the background, and for a few days - entirely too few - I can sink into a brief hibernation. As Anne Lammot said, “Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.”
Hibernation for me looks like taking a few extra moments in the morning and evening to just snuggle under the warm blankets.
Hibernation looks like doing the slow tasks, the off-line tasks, like hemming two pairs of pants that have been needing to be hemmed for months.
Hibernation looks like putting things away, organizing, and clearing the back bedroom, reclaiming what had become a gift sorting and wrapping station.
Hibernation looks like reading a few pages of one of the many books I haven’t gotten to all year, and hoping that somehow I will create a new reading habit and actually read these real paper books this year.
Hibernation feels like sinking into somatic practices and letting my shoulders, hips, and back unwind.
Hibernation feels like taking the time for the long qigong practice, the one that lets me really drop into the flow and let my mind go quiet. It feels like finally getting to that tai chi class with the spinning motion that makes me feel like a kid again.
Hibernation looks like sampling the various teas I bought while I was buying gifts for other people to see which ones I might like before they stop selling them at the end of the year.
Hibernation looks like reconnecting to myself and all the little pieces of me that may have felt neglected over the last little while.
Hibernation looks like coming home.
I dream of having a month or more to hibernate this way, to slow down and not rush forward again while still not having to worry about the finances. I do have to maintain some structure and rhythm, or my anxiety rises.
I had planned to finish processing all the December photos still on my computer, but being off the computer has been too appealing so far. Even though I haven’t had the camera out for four days, I’m still behind. Isn’t it funny how I think a month is “behind”? There was a time when photos took much longer than this to make it through the process.
I had planned to write from the multiple topics I’ve been mulling for a few weeks, but for now they continue to live on post-it notes on my desk. My brain needs a break and for once, I am granting it the break it surely deserves.
The topics can wait. The new year can wait. This moment will pass all too quickly and I want to savor this little bit of quiet while I can.
What does your post-holiday time look like? Do you miss the noise, do you relish the quiet, or does it just never really slow down (or speed up) in your life anyway?
I love the week between Christmas and New Year's Day. The slowness, the un-busyness, the quiet, the time to breathe...And like you, I need to gather together and reconnect those neglected "pieces of me" that got short shrift in 2024, which I started in January with RSV and am ending not with a bang but a whimper after the tumultuous political season. It all felt more like an assault on the senses than a year lived. And now on to a fresh and hopefully refreshing 2025. The operative word being HOPE.
Oh yes….definitely in slow down mode after the busyness of Xmas….school is out til January 7th…so that means no “Grandma’s taxi”…..and all the adults are using up vacation days…so getting a lot of reading and jigsaw puzzles done here for me…today is Keira’s birthday….can’t believe she will be in high school next year with Gianna…they grow up so fast 😍❤️