Today I thought I’d share some of my feathered friends finding their favorite holiday treats! My observations tell me that some berries are preferred over others, but the preference varies by species. Here are some examples.
I was totally fascinated by the cedar waxwing tongues as I was watching so I looked it up and found the following:
In "What It’s Like To Be A Bird", David Allen Sibley writes: “The diet of waxwings is mainly fruit for much of the year, and they have several adaptations related to this. They have a relatively small bill, but it opens into an unusually wide mouth, allowing them to swallow large fruit whole. Their tongue has inward-facing barbs to help pull fruit into their throat.”
And somehow here we are, back to a full moon again. The moon has been hidden for days here under the clouds while we get a soaking rain. It may be about to actually get cold, or at least coldish, which honestly it should have done a month ago.
Whatever your holiday brings, I hope you find moments of joy - the best kind of treats.
Great photos and info.
Just beautiful.