Well friends, it’s been A WEEK. Both personally and in our country. It seems like there should be so much to say and yet what I’m feeling inside is quiet. Feeling quiet inside is strange and unusual for me - I’m used to it being VERY noisy in there. I like the quiet. I feel a sense of not wanting to disturb it by talking (or writing) too much. And so I offer you the one photo I took this week, a poem from that quiet inner place, and some winter ducks I never got around to posting.
Sometimes the only thing I know is I believe in Love, for no reason my logical mind can accept. I believe in Love, the language of all things, connecting us, one to another like the roots of the giant redwood trees. I believe that Love connects us to all that has been and all that will be, that we are never alone, despite how we may feel. I believe it is Love that insists we rise up when faced with oppression and harm to any of us, knowing it harms all of us. Love is stronger than fear, love is stronger than hate, love will not be controlled or abide by our rules. When things look dark that is the time to find her, Love, deep inside and let her lift us to what comes next. Whatever is required on this strange journey of life, we walk the path together, leaning always into Love.
Every season it seems I have an experience near the end I never quite get to posting. This winter it was these beautiful common mergansers. I waited all winter for them to come close. Then one magical day - February 14th - they did! I had the most marvelous time with them for one beautiful, quiet, cold, calm morning.
I never posted these photos but today they feel right to me. Is it synchronicity that they came on Valentine’s day, in the quiet, and here I am posting about Love?
(Note: Dark green heads are males and redheads are females.)
We never know from week to week where this journey will take us. The best we can do is follow it, one step at a time.
Wishing you all exactly what you need to feel supported this week.
Beautiful poem. Love to you in your quietness
I really like the peaceful, meditative style of your posts. It really fits with landscapes and wildlife! 😁