The winter sunrise begins at the edge of dawn. A gentle glow of muted colors on the horizon, a soft piano whispering us out of bed.
The first red appears on the lowest clouds, the first violin joining that lone piano. A few passersby stop to listen, throw money in the hat.
More musicians arrive, adding their instruments, lifting the red into the sky. Up. Up. The volume grows and the birds awake, adding their voices to the sprouting song.
A multitude of strings and woodwinds join the chorus and so quickly the drums and brass burst in, brightening the colors with shades of red, pink, orange and yellow moving across the sky.
Just when you think the sun should explode over the horizon, the sound fades. An interlude of oboes, bassoons and clarinets quietly holding the space as the colors gather themselves back to the horizon.
Then, ever so quickly, the drums and trumpets burst back in as the sun appears over the trees. The full chorus now lifting yellow and white into the sky, lighting up the day.
Soon this dawn music recedes into the background and the sounds of the day overtake our ears. We walk into the day humming a tune, nearly forgetting we were lucky enough to hear the masterpiece of the morning.
This sunrise on 11/30/21 was truly a masterpiece! This video compresses 40 minutes into 2 and 1/2, but I hope it will give you an idea of the music.
A few favorite photos from that sunrise that I have not posted on social media yet - there were so many good ones to choose from! Some days the universe makes it so easy.
May your week be filled with moments you can savor, moments that inspire gratitude amidst the hustle and bustle of life.
This is a masterpiece~ I loved every minute~ thank you.
What a delight to be able to see the glorious images moment by moment as the sun rises. Thank you