“There is no way to Peace. Peace is the way.” - Thich Nhat Hahn
I’ve spent a lifetime trying to create peace. Peace in my body, peace in my heart, peace in my little corner of the world. Trying.
I’ve created constriction, anxiety, and pain in my body. I’ve created rigidity, rules, and fear in my mind. I’ve hidden so well behind my armor that I no longer know myself. I don’t know what I’ve created in the world, but until my energy glows with peace it is not peace I am creating.
I ran from vulnerability. I still run from vulnerability. I don’t want to be vulnerable. I don’t want those I love to be vulnerable. I don't want anyone to suffer. I did not understand there was no way to escape the truth of vulnerability. We are vulnerable. Life is vulnerable. It sucks - and it’s beautiful - and it’s hard.
It was the way I learned, to attempt to make peace in the world without making peace in myself. To use my creativity in an act of suppression rather than creation. I practiced. And practiced. And practiced. I am stubborn that way. Practice has never made perfect, practice only makes permanent. Thankfully nothing in this world is permanent.
Armor will never produce peace. Constriction will never produce peace. Running from vulnerability will never produce peace. Armor and constriction FEEL like they will make me safe. Hiding makes me feel protected. It isn’t the truth - I was not safe, I was not protected. I was wrapped up tight in a little ball, no longer able to respond to the changing world around me.
Every day I begin the work again, the work of letting the constriction go. The work of opening to the messiness and suffering that is life. The work of opening to the messiness and strangeness that is me. The work of taking one more breath, moving just a little more, finding just a little more space. The work of finding peace in one breath. Then hopefully one more.
So many times I have turned around, curled up in a ball like a turtle inside her shell, not wanted to go forward. Opening up feels good - until it’s scary. The old pathways are strong and the new pathways are tenuous. I sort of understand them, but they are not “lived in” yet.
No one tells you that the path of opening up, which produces health in the mind and body, eventually, is also terrifying. The path is not linear. The path moves in spirals and circles. No one tells you the path circles back through all the scary things you ran from before. No one tells you because it doesn’t matter - it’s the only way.
Every day I begin again, reminding myself that only opening to life will produce peace. That only opening to truth will produce peace. That only opening to this moment will produce peace. Every day I am frightened all over again. Every day I tell myself the time will come when the fear will grow smaller and the peace will grow larger. Some days I believe it. I am stubborn that way.
“Our own life has to be our message.” - Thich Nhat Hanh
It’s been a rainy week here. Saturday morning we had a brief peak at the sun - with the air temperature at freezing and a fierce north wind blowing. Brrr! Before the rains there were more Franklin’s gulls than I’ve ever seen. Thousands and thousands. I had to estimate for eBird and I honestly had no idea - probably more than 10,000. Probably much more. I took so much video, which means it will take me a bit to go through it all! I love migration!
I reworked this video and added a segment of fish swimming at the end. I find it fascinating to watch how similar it is the way a school of fish more, the way the fog rolls, the way a flock of birds fly:
I leave you with an image of little bubbles floating on the water. Or two images because I just can’t decide which one I like most. I love how you can photograph the same thing a minute or two apart and get such different images.
Take care friends. May peace find us all.
This addresses everything I am encountering in my life, psyche, and body right now. Somatization (the pain body) that turns every emotion into a "symptom," learning to (literally) deep breathe again when fear arises that borders on panic attacks, and now a new metaphor which you have just given me: How to MIGRATE to a new soul environment. How to be vulnerable, adapt, appreciate, grieve, rejoice, and yes, survive. But most of all, how to be at peace with all of what is, including me. Thank you, dear friend, KD.
Karen everything you wrote I have felt thank you for being so open. At 75 I realize I am very intense~serious about life~ it’s served a purpose in my life as a child and young adult I had to raise my brothers from a young age ( my mom was bipolar) ~ but now with so many thing happening physically to me ~ I need to be kinder to me~ I thanked my body a couple of days ago~ for taking care of me for this long~I thanked God for giving me Dr. That care~ I had two Doctors tell me in a few days apart ( I am keeping you in prayer) I’ve never had that before ~ I feel better ~but go to ~what if~ your writing help me ~ you photos soothe my soul~ I thank you very much ~ you are loved bless you