Hello friends! As I mentioned in Friday’s post, it’s my birthday weekend along with a holiday weekend here in the US and I decided to prioritize REST for several days! As such, I’m cutting myself a break today and sending out more of a “drops of beauty” post than my regular weekly musings. I don’t think I’ve given myself a break like this in well over a year, so it’s time! Also note, I am offering a discount on the annual subscription in honor of my birthday, so if you are so moved it’s a good time to subscribe.
Today I want to ask you all a question and I’d love it if you hit reply or answered in the comments!
What are some of the ways you rest? What are some of the ways you prioritize rest and build it into your schedule?
Since I’m asking you all questions, it seems only fair to turn the tables and let you ask me questions. So, ask me anything, what might you want to know about me, this practice, this place I live and walk in, the birds I photograph, or anything else?
Here’s a short video so you can see just how busy this little mud puddle was!
(It’s also the first time I’ve tried to insert a video directly into a Substack post, so I will be curious how this goes. Please let me know if you experience any issues with it!)
May you find joy and rest this weekend in whatever way fills your spirit. Thank you all for reading, commenting, asking questions, and supporting this thing I do in so many ways.
Rest for me is usually the three S's -- solitude, silence, and serenity. I step back from "society," quiet as much as possible both my inner and outer worlds, and seek what gives my soul a sense of peace. Usually that is something in nature or lovely images, such as art or your soothing nature photography. Being near water always helps. I turn off my mind, even for enjoyable reading, and just let my senses be bathed. I find that "resting in" is the perfect antidote for me when I need "resting from." Wishing you all the rest you need and crave this weekend.
Easy for me to rest..I'm retired after all! And my aging brain likes to zone out anyway!! I just sit on my porch perch, watch the birds hopping and flying about, drinking and fluttering wings in the bird baths-. life is very slow paced!