If you aren’t seeing the magic, look closer.
Last week I got so eager about spring migration I made my classic mistake - assuming every day there would be bunches and bunches of new birds. I called it “Full Speed Ahead” - and then it turned to a trickle. I have to laugh at myself because I truly know better! I know it goes in fits and spurts, a lot less like a flowing tap and a lot more like one where the water has been off and drained out and it has to clear all the air out of the line.
What’s a girl to do? Keep walking in the forest and remember all the other magic that awaits! The plants and trees are more steady in their march through spring and they have surprises to share as well. The fairies who tend to them know this and I’m sure they have been giggling at me even as they hide under their magnificent plant friends. Let’s take a walk through their world.
Is there anything more magical than the woodlands after it rains? So many tiny treasures this time of year, before the canopy blocks them from the sunlight. The bluebells go back into the brush as far as I can see from the trail.
Lots of long walks have meant less time for writing - but I’m guessing you all don’t mind when the photos speak for themselves. My wish for all of you is that you will find the small miracles of spring (or fall for some of you!) where you are.
PS - if you want to see AMAZING birds, I highly recommend subscribing to Ken Lamberton’s, “The Big Yard”. The birds in his Arizona yard are unbelievable!
PPS - Substack has launched a thing called “Notes”. According to Substack, it’s “a way for writers on Substack to share shortform posts and recommendations on the Substack network”. Writers can share other writer’s posts as well. I’m curious what this experience will be like for non-writer subscribers and if anyone is really interested in it - but it’s brand new and has a long way to go I’m sure. If you want to check it out, you can find it in the Substack app or at this link.
I haven’t decided how or if I will use it but all feedback is welcome. Would you like a place to see a daily photo from me that does not go out in email?
This is one of my all-time favorite posts of yours. The miniature world of the fairies was delightful! And the paw-paws made me laugh, remembering a song I sang as a child called "Down in the Paw-Paw Patch." I had no idea what a paw-paw was back then, but just the sound of the word tickled me. The birds are fascinating and wonderful, but I thank them for being MIA this week so we could see all this other loveliness. Thanks as always!
The photo of dew drops on bluebells is absolutely jawdropping 🤩