A sincere and grateful welcome to all of you who have chosen a paid subscription to this newsletter! I hope to figure out a cadence for the additional photo posts - and a title too. All suggestions are welcome! I was sure it would just come to me, lol, but these things come in their own sweet time I guess.
Here are some of my favorite photos posted last week. Enjoy!
I am in awe of your work, Karen. I love how you find such much beauty in the lake… ever changing, miracles floating on the water, close to the ground, or flying up high. I’m grateful for the gift of having a subscription to your beautiful work. Thank you.
I am in awe of your work, Karen. I love how you find such much beauty in the lake… ever changing, miracles floating on the water, close to the ground, or flying up high. I’m grateful for the gift of having a subscription to your beautiful work. Thank you.