The morning sunrise time actually keeps getting later for a couple more weeks! I don't start to notice it getting earlier until mid February. Always love the tree full of cedar waxwings! Thank you Sharon!
Yes! It is ice crystal season and snow flakes, frozen water ripples and frozen mirrored lakes. I love your photographs encased in ice. I am pretty sure I ‘moved in’
to you world sometime last winter, looking forward to spending another with you.
As ever, thank you for reminding me of what is all around us that we somehow can so easily forget. We had a daytime storm pass though our area yesterday with heavy rain and wind and moments of brilliant sunshine. I happened to look out at the beautiful break in the storm and saw the biggest cloud angel I have ever seen. And she was moving swiftly from the south to the north. So big that I had to turn my head to take her all in! Beautifully formed with flowing gown and feathered wings and a trumpet!!! It would not have surprised me to hear her music if I had stepped outside. She was moving fast with a cross current blowing below her of little wisps of clouds seeming to lift her. All of this was happening rather close to the land. In a minute or two at most it was all gone and the sky was dark with the next round of heavy rain. But I somehow was lifted by that moment to be reminded that things can change in an instant.
Thank you, Karen, for your wonderful posts…great captures coupled with your keen eye and observations. If I were to choose my favorite image from today’s post…I couldn’t. Some speak for themselves, supported by your comment. Others are enlivened by your helpful remarks. Like polishing precious stones.
As far as this subscriber is concerned, whatever you capture & share in images and words is "more than enough" Karen. You capture the sacred/holy/extraordinary in moments that so many of us take for granted. We forget there is a "Grantor" until we view your photos and read your words. We have all been granted such exquisite beauty that your Sunrises alone can drop one to their knees. Thank you once again for making the "holy" visible for all of us. It's not your camera or your lenses, it is your unique attraction and attention to "life", whether animate or inanimate that opens my eyes and heart. Honestly Karen, you could show just one or two images and that would be more than enough. Please, do not put any additional pressure on yourself on our account ( sorry, I should speak for myself). I honestly feel "less is more" although the shear volume of your work makes me additionally grateful for the abundance of blessings "free & open to the public" should we choose to simply take a walk or look out our windows. Infinite thanks, Karen...
The link above is to an article just this morning on Maria Shriver's "Sunday Paper" blog on how doing less can actually be a way of accomplishing more. You seem to allude to finding something similar in your own experience these days! Happy Gaudete Sunday! REJOICE! :-)
Thank you Lauren - even though I get that, I don't always get to reading it (like the ones from Fr. Richard Rohr), so I always appreciate when you point one out to me!
Thank you Sharon!
and December is when the days start getting longer again, though it barely registers. Gotta love that tree full of cedar waxwings.
The morning sunrise time actually keeps getting later for a couple more weeks! I don't start to notice it getting earlier until mid February. Always love the tree full of cedar waxwings! Thank you Sharon!
Beautiful post!
Thank you Amy!
Yes! It is ice crystal season and snow flakes, frozen water ripples and frozen mirrored lakes. I love your photographs encased in ice. I am pretty sure I ‘moved in’
to you world sometime last winter, looking forward to spending another with you.
Thank you Lor! We've had one day of it so far, might be waiting late again this year but hopefully it will come sometime!
As ever, thank you for reminding me of what is all around us that we somehow can so easily forget. We had a daytime storm pass though our area yesterday with heavy rain and wind and moments of brilliant sunshine. I happened to look out at the beautiful break in the storm and saw the biggest cloud angel I have ever seen. And she was moving swiftly from the south to the north. So big that I had to turn my head to take her all in! Beautifully formed with flowing gown and feathered wings and a trumpet!!! It would not have surprised me to hear her music if I had stepped outside. She was moving fast with a cross current blowing below her of little wisps of clouds seeming to lift her. All of this was happening rather close to the land. In a minute or two at most it was all gone and the sky was dark with the next round of heavy rain. But I somehow was lifted by that moment to be reminded that things can change in an instant.
thank you Sandy! I LOVE the cloud angel! That's so beautiful.
Thank you, Karen, for your wonderful posts…great captures coupled with your keen eye and observations. If I were to choose my favorite image from today’s post…I couldn’t. Some speak for themselves, supported by your comment. Others are enlivened by your helpful remarks. Like polishing precious stones.
Call me grateful as always, Karen.
Thank you Gary!
Thank you Leah!
As far as this subscriber is concerned, whatever you capture & share in images and words is "more than enough" Karen. You capture the sacred/holy/extraordinary in moments that so many of us take for granted. We forget there is a "Grantor" until we view your photos and read your words. We have all been granted such exquisite beauty that your Sunrises alone can drop one to their knees. Thank you once again for making the "holy" visible for all of us. It's not your camera or your lenses, it is your unique attraction and attention to "life", whether animate or inanimate that opens my eyes and heart. Honestly Karen, you could show just one or two images and that would be more than enough. Please, do not put any additional pressure on yourself on our account ( sorry, I should speak for myself). I honestly feel "less is more" although the shear volume of your work makes me additionally grateful for the abundance of blessings "free & open to the public" should we choose to simply take a walk or look out our windows. Infinite thanks, Karen...
Thank you so much Clark! I am aware that the pressure comes from the inside for certain!
Beautiful image of the sunrise, Karen. Also great to see that Carolina Wren pose for a nice photo!
Thank you Neil! It was so nice of the wren!
The link above is to an article just this morning on Maria Shriver's "Sunday Paper" blog on how doing less can actually be a way of accomplishing more. You seem to allude to finding something similar in your own experience these days! Happy Gaudete Sunday! REJOICE! :-)
Thank you Lauren - even though I get that, I don't always get to reading it (like the ones from Fr. Richard Rohr), so I always appreciate when you point one out to me!