What glorious captures of these gorgeous birds!

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Thank you Jodie!

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Beautiful photos!

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Thank you Katie!

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Watching birds and photographing them is an endless source of satisfaction for me - birds just lift me up...and I'm sure that is equally true in your world.

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100%!! Endless! May it ever be so.

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They are very colorful… love their coloring ❤️😍👍. Beautiful action photos ❤️😍👍

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Thanks Sharon!

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Cedar waxwings always make me question is they are real! They are such unique birds. I had never saw one up close until I traveled to Montana once and was astonished by their existence!

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They are so unique!

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Such grand treats you bring us! Thank you!

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Thank you Sandy!

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There used to be these two trees on campus, right beside the building where my office was and every fall around the same time, it would be filled with cedar waxwings. As a sort of low-key birder (I had a guide I looked through a lot), I was so excited to see cedar waxwings, a bird I'd always thought was so beautiful and exotic.

I tried to explain to other people on campus what I was so excited about and pointed out all the birds, but everyone just smiled at me in an indulgent, "What's she going on about?" sort of way. Then they cut the trees down and now I'm on the lookout for another cedar waxwing tree. They are such a delight to spot.

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They love anything with a berry and anything that attracts bugs! I hope you find a new tree. And boy do I know that feeling of trying to share them and everyone just looking at me, lol.

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Just beautiful!

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Thank you Jeffery!

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Thanks Adrian!

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Karen, your talent with a camera makes me insanely jealous.

The wonderful thing about these beautiful birds is you seldom see just one.

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Thank you Patrick. Maybe it's talent - maybe it's 11 years of doing it every day? There's certainly an element of luck!

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Your photos are magnificent - but that top one is just *chef's kiss*.

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Thank you Mike!

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