Solstice greetings everyone! The time when the light starts returning here in the northern hemisphere, whether I’m ready for it or not. Every sunrise is also a return of the light so today I think I’ll post some recent sunrises and play with the concepts of dark and light.
Dark and light, highlight and shadow, clear sky and clouds. Sometimes I feel we are most in balance at the winter solstice when the dark time - the quiet time, the introspective time, the nesting time - has at least a small chance in our otherwise noisy, bright, and loud world.
There is no light without the dark, no dark without the light. In a culture that wants to idolize one and villainize the other may we remember that both are gifts.
May you find many blessings in this solstice.
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Beautiful Karen- sending Soltice Blessings to you. May we let the darkness offer us deep rest and clear dreaming for ourselves and all of humankind.
Thanks, Karen, for reminding us of the beauty in the world.
I used my two extra minutes of sunlight today to replenish my body’s vitamin D reserves!