“Relaxation, laughter, having fun, feeling loved, fulfilling your inner yearnings, speaking your truth…these are medicines.” - Jerome Braggs
Hello friends! I sometimes think time just keeps moving faster and faster. Perhaps the only possible response is to slow down a little more. Here are a few moments of beauty to create a small pause in your day:
Before sunrise looking southwest, May 8, 2024
My goldfinch friend is looking super snazzy in his bright yellow party clothes!
Hello Mr. indigo bunting!
Goodbye Mr. indigo bunting, I guess you have business to attend to. (Also - 1000 frames per second and he’s still a blur only an inch from takeoff!)
A yellow warbler who, if we are lucky, will hang around all summer.
Blue heron coming in for a landing after running off the former owner of this coveted fishing spot.
I have to post this series because look how regal this bird is!
Those wings are HUGE.
This is called claiming what is yours. Powerful.
Eastern phoebe’s are one of many birds who can give “that look”.
Mrs. red-winged blackbird is very busy these days.
Red-tailed hawk likely has young ones to feed too.
I found this iris growing in an undeveloped field. I love to imagine how it found it’s way there.
Soon the dragonflies will be more plentiful. All this rain will help!
First monarch I’ve seen this year!
No post is complete this time of year without a swallow, even a silhouette.
Thank you for reading friends. Wishing you softness and love today.
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I read that AND lo & behold, I heard snatches of ELOs " MR. BLUE " as I did.
" ...... please turn me over..... " at the end of the single.
Amazing what ONE memory can trigger......
Amazing majestic blue heron!