Nice quote! We had a turtle visitor on our property recently. The last I saw of him he was heading in the direction of a local pond. I hope he made it! 💚💚💚
Really nice images Karen. I still remember the first time hearing a Brown Thrasher and I had no idea what I was hearing, haha. The R2D2 reference is spot on!
Ah, yes, there are some other shading and lighting differences too. But the main difference is the markings on the upper wing. This is what I found that showed me the difference - "A Comma has three spots basically in a line behind the larger mark at the front. A Question Mark has a fourth mark a little more forward."
Nice quote! We had a turtle visitor on our property recently. The last I saw of him he was heading in the direction of a local pond. I hope he made it! 💚💚💚
I hope he made it too!
Great quote 👍❤️. Beautiful photos 😍❤️👍. We’ve seen a brown thrasher around Leslie’s house this spring ❤️😍👍
Thanks Sharon! I love that thrasher around Leslie's house!
Really nice images Karen. I still remember the first time hearing a Brown Thrasher and I had no idea what I was hearing, haha. The R2D2 reference is spot on!
I'm certain they modeled R2D2 after that bird!
May restful sleep find you Karen as you let go of all to-do lists and other such thoughts. All of todays pics bring me smile after smile. ✨🥰
Thank you Sandy
Wow about the photographs again. Always stunning. Hope you manage if/as the summer heat settles in until it's good and ready to be gone.
Thank you Mary
Delightful. Hope you get some extra rest and sleep.
Love this quote, thank you!
"To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake it is necessary to stand out in the cold.” - Aristotle
Thank you!
I see differences in the butterflies, but what is ‘the difference’?
Thank you!
Ah, yes, there are some other shading and lighting differences too. But the main difference is the markings on the upper wing. This is what I found that showed me the difference - "A Comma has three spots basically in a line behind the larger mark at the front. A Question Mark has a fourth mark a little more forward."
I remain jealous of your ability to capture a swallow in flight!
The frog swimming demonstration brought me a lot of chuckles...
The rest...well, stunning as usual!
Thank you Jack! Lots of practice - and the right conditions help a lot. Also willingness to heavily crop photos!
Thank you Mark