“No matter what yesterday was like, birds always start the day with a new song.” - unknown author
Hello friends! Thank you Cheryl for the quote above! You guys have really come through for me on quotes and I appreciate it so much!
The sun is rising before 6 AM. For another month it will be a challenge to be out before it comes up and sometimes I’ll probably miss it. All too soon it will move back and I’ll be wondering how my morning disappears so fast. It’s also gotten hot so the time outside is reduced a bit for a little while.
Here are some photos for today:
Thank you all for being here! May your week bring whatever you most need to be healthy and happy.
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June 21st was my grandmother’s birthday, so today’s post is in honor of Geraldine Davis. I looked up to her, wanted to be like her, and was deeply loved by her. She called all of her granddaughters angels and I’m pretty sure we could never have done anything that would have made her see us as anything less than perfect. Miss you and love you Grandma.
Our world needs more of Geraldine and Karen....🙏🏻
For Grandmothers everywhere, here or in our hearts. Thank you for sharing yours.My Gramma would have especially loved the last photo of the Goldfinch.
( check your email, you should have received some quotes)