Just love the spotted sandpiper's pose. Love its attitude. Beautiful photos as always.

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Thank you Mary - I love sandpipers, they all have 'tude!

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Awesome audio and images Karen! Sounds like R2D2 accompanied you on this hike! ;)

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Thank you Neil. I love my R2D2 bird!

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Jun 25Liked by Karen Davis

They are predicting 100 degrees for today and rest of this week… as I sit here at Adrienne’s while they are getting a new air conditioner installed….loved the killdeer picture and Mr. Swallow picture 😍❤️👍. They are all great pictures….Leslie caught me up on the family news… thx for keeping us in the loop 😍❤️

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Whew - so hot. Ah, and the air went out! Hope it's been replaced. Thank you Sharon, love you!

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Jun 25Liked by Karen Davis

Yes, it was just the unit for the upstairs … downstairs unit was still working so wasn’t hot for while they worked…. Texas summers are not my favorite season 😳🤷‍♀️🥵

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We saw our first violet-green swallows yesterday and wow! They can move! Love all your photos and the last one that definitely gives a sense of that speed. 💚

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Swallows are fast! Thank you Rebecca.

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Jun 25Liked by Karen Davis

Listening to the brown thrasher made me so happy, Karen! Beautiful! I love listening while looking at the photos and reading what happened. Thanks for including even more in your rich (and multidimensional!) posts. 💜

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Thank you Dunya!

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Lots of action! I love Brown Thrasher’s song. In your recording I hear a bit of a more tuneful R2D2 in there, ha.

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Yes! I call them R2D2 birds!

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Jun 25Liked by Karen Davis

Incredible photos!!

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Thank you Linda

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Jun 25Liked by Karen Davis

Wow ! the brown thrasher ~ and the sunrise and Mary’s words ~ perfect~ yesterday we had people over and we all ended up watching our daily visitors the yellow orioles ~ everyone said “what beautiful birds what are they ? I said “Orioles “~ it’s because of you Karen ~that I even know there names ~I said “my friend Karen has given me a love of birds “~ I think you have two new people following you now on Facebook ~ thank you so much for sharing your love with us💕

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I love this so much Catherine! Thank you.

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Omgggggg that Mary Oliver quote. “As long as you’re dancing, you can break the rules.” My national anthem 💞👏

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I love it!

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Jun 25Liked by Karen Davis

That Kingbird, what a mean-spirited bully bird to stoop and lunge at the innocent little baby swallows! It would serve him right to have red-tail hawk stoop and lunge at him, so he learn that his is not very nice behavior!

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lol, well swallows are pretty aggressive too. I’m sure there was something I couldn’t see.

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Wow great pics of the Brown Thrasher and the dust up with the Kingbird and swallows~!

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Thank you David

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