Love your art work/nature journaling ❤️😍👍. Beautiful photos too ❤️😍👍

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Thank you Sharon!

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Gorgeous, Karen. Those egrets! A poem of a photo.

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Thank you Jeffrey!

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Your photographs of Hummingbirds are delightful . Our Hummingbirds have filled themselves up at the feeder for the last time, packed up and headed south for their long journey. They leave me wistful as I say my usual goodbyes and safe travels. Telling them the feeders will be cleaned and full when they arrive in the spring. We have a few ‘strangers’ stop by for a rest and refill (r&r). We can tell the difference. The passersbys’ went for the cherry tomatoes instead of the red flowers or freshly filled feeder…

Love your first attempt at journaling! I think you did a wonderful job. Like all artists of every imaginable medium; time and repeat , press repeat again.

I listened to another Amy Tan interview back in April while on a road trip. Thrilled to have listened for most of my driving time. This one is Amy Tan and environmental justice educator Trish O'Kane. Worth a listen;


( Oh, and if rainbows are mysteriously popping up where you least expect them, I would say it means good things are coming your way).

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Thank you Lor! Appreciate the link too!

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Love the artwork journaling!! And those hummingbird photos!!!

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Thank you Sue!

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Thank you for sharing your journaling and the links to Amy Tan's site. And thanks for the close-up of those feathered clouds. Beautiful! So true about seeing that sliver of a lulling moon as a smile in the sky! We can all use a happy smile up there! And that tooth of the Eastern kingbird! Who knew?! I will keep this post handy to be reminded of what it is like when happiness returns!

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Thank you Sandy!

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Those hummingbirds! That rainbow! Very auspicious! What a nice way to start our days you provide.

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Thank you Michael!

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Are you using your phone to take your pictures? They are beautiful and intriguing.

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Thank you Karen. I use my phone for most sunrise and landscape pictures and my DSLR for most everything else.

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