Lovely post and wonderful quote~! Those leaf holes have always fascinated me. My theory is that the leaves absorb more heat with their color, and that heat melts the snow below the now warmer leaf. It happens on ice too as you no doubt know! To put it more poetically, “Beneath the fallen leaf the ice and snow do melt. The leaf returns to the welcome embrace of the earth and water.”
People should keep in mind that the vegetation that has burned in CA is fire ecology chaparral (scrubland) That should have all been cut down on a regular basis. This was not a forest fire. That does not excuse the malfeasance of the government officials with having an empty reservoir, hydrants with no water, cuts to the fire depth budget. Praying a lot more these days. Praying for you Karen too.
Love that quote and it’s so true❤️😍👍. And I have to remind myself that snow does help water the earth when it melts and is important just like rain in the summertime 👍❄️🥶🙏. Lovely photos you take remind me of the Beaty of snow and ice too👍❤️😍. Especially love the moon photo with the dark surrounding the blue and the moon🥰😍❤️👍🌝🌕
Thank you John
Lovely, Karen. Your posts remind me of Thoreau’s letters to the gods, except yours are letters to remind us the presence of beauty.
The merganser photo captures a perfect moment of the wonder that surrounds us.
Thank you Switter
I love that quote. And gorgeous pics as normal.
Thank you Cali
Thanks, Karen, for sharing the beauty of your Winter world!
Thank you Gary
These glorious photos gave me a spontaneous deep breath.
I love it when that happens! thank you Janisse.
Lovely post and wonderful quote~! Those leaf holes have always fascinated me. My theory is that the leaves absorb more heat with their color, and that heat melts the snow below the now warmer leaf. It happens on ice too as you no doubt know! To put it more poetically, “Beneath the fallen leaf the ice and snow do melt. The leaf returns to the welcome embrace of the earth and water.”
Now this is fascinating! I have never been sure if they fell in the hole or created the hole but now I'm even more curious!
People should keep in mind that the vegetation that has burned in CA is fire ecology chaparral (scrubland) That should have all been cut down on a regular basis. This was not a forest fire. That does not excuse the malfeasance of the government officials with having an empty reservoir, hydrants with no water, cuts to the fire depth budget. Praying a lot more these days. Praying for you Karen too.
Thank you Sharon. Praying is always a good thing to do.
Love that quote and it’s so true❤️😍👍. And I have to remind myself that snow does help water the earth when it melts and is important just like rain in the summertime 👍❄️🥶🙏. Lovely photos you take remind me of the Beaty of snow and ice too👍❤️😍. Especially love the moon photo with the dark surrounding the blue and the moon🥰😍❤️👍🌝🌕
Thank you Sharon!