Karen , you pretty much summed up life with this post. Trouble ebbs and flows. We are a rollercoaster species, but whenever the tide of troubles ebb, we notice the beauty that surrounds us and sometimes realize it was there all time.

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I call it the Colonoscopy Blues.  Yes concerns about doing it right and having to re-do the prep.

Weeds are more than blessings in disguise. A newly appreciated definition of a weed is purely a plant growing where you don't want it.  I have spent countless hours over two years eradicating ground ivy from my raised beds. Was chagrined to see it featured in an ad for a wild edible food book. Will be looking up the wisdom of Jerome Braggs, thank you for that connection. And am very glad your test results were clear.

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Oh you know I totally agree on "weeds"! The head gardener at our local botanical garden gave me that definition of weed a decade ago and I completely agree! thank you Sharon!

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A beautifully told story!

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Thank you Jeffrey!

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Sep 1Liked by Karen Davis

What an ordeal~ what a blessing your dad and sister were. I fight anxiety all the time💕loved the pictures

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My dad and my sister are a blessing! Anxiety is such a challenge. I keep working to accept it and soften it. It seems like a life long practice.

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I have good days and then bad days ~ I pray for you💕

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Sep 1Liked by Karen Davis

Wow…that was quite an experience!! Glad you were blessed with help….love the rainbows❤️😍👍

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Thank you Aunt Sharon. You know how blessed I am with DeeDee and my dad!

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Oh yes!!! They’re the best ever!!!❤️😍🥰👍

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Beautiful sunset picture and incoming storm pictures!! Thank you for sharing your story. Oh, the stories we can create in our minds...we've all been there. I, too, like to clean when I get frustrated or mad or anxious. My hub has walked in on the middle of a cleaning storm many times. Wisely, his first words are usually, "Uh-oh. What did I do?" LOL. I'm so glad you were held and supported during this time. XO

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Thank you Danielle - and it's so true, the stories we create in our minds. I read something that said, "worry is an abuse of your imagination" and it sometimes feels that way. LOL, smart husband.

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Sep 1Liked by Karen Davis

With great artists, no experience goes wasted. And you were no exception. I must say, though, that some of images of you running up and down the stairs are somewhat comedic on the other side of it. ;-) Definitely less than funny in the moment! But I, too, am so happy that you are well, cool, fed, blessed and the Essential Karen once more.

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Thank you Lauren, that's high praise! And honestly, even in the moment I laughed a few times because REALLY?!? It's completely something that would happen to I Love Lucy or Laverne & Shirely!

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And that's what makes it iconic in my mind! :-)

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What a great writer you are! I enjoyed being in anticipation and never doubted that it would all work out for you!

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Thank you Patricia!

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Sep 1Liked by Karen Davis

Wow - what a story/adventure/ordeal! So glad it worked out as well as it did (although very challenging.) A great reminder to take things one step, one breath, one action at a time.

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Thank you Oriah - and yes indeed!

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I'm so glad you had a clean and clear colon. And I'm so glad you had a cooler basement. I'm also glad you had strong legs and lungs to run up/down stairs. You are truly blessed.

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Thank you Jacqueline, I too am grateful for all those things!

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My Dad always told me, since I was a bit of a worrier, that 99% of my anxious concerns would never come true. And when the one percent happened I had the wherewithal to deal with it. I believed him and for me that has made all the difference Karen.

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Well my Dad was a very disciplined, competent, responsible, intelligent and kind human being. He never gave me reason to doubt him. I was truly blessed...!

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Believing it is really the key, isn't it? I'm very capable and I sometimes wonder how it is that I tend to doubt that I can deal with it and that the resources I need will appear when in truth they always have. Thank you Clark.

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Well, my Dad was a very disciplined, competent, responsible and kind man. I

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Aw Karen! Congrats on being able to do all those stairs, but I could feel my angst rising with yours at the AC issues AND the prep. I hope you're able to rest in cool comfort now.

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Thank you Victoria! I am resting in cool comfort this weekend.

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Sep 1·edited Sep 1Liked by Karen Davis

Karen, I think you have invented a new exercise routine! You must be in shape to run a marathon after all those trips up and down the stairs with a full bladder. I hope you have found a suitable edible treat now that the AC is working. You certainly deserve a little celebration! Love hearing of your family and friends being so supportive. Always good to hang out with a crowd like that! And under such beautiful skies!!!

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LOL, my calves were sore for a couple days so it must have been decent exercise! Thank you Sandy!

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Sep 1Liked by Karen Davis

I felt really moved by your wisdom and humanity. Colonoscopies are not jolly fun nor are air conditioners failing on hot days. You got through it all and I do tend to think you've got a guardian angel, except there are hundreds of them and they all have wings and pose for your photographs!

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Thank you Michael! I think I have a whole squadron of guardian angels, I just need to tune in to them more often!

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I really like your photo essay Karen and that's great to hear things worked out health-wise and with the AC. hopefully with Autumn not too far off, cooler weather will be arriving shortly.

Lovely images as always and those Barn Swallows make such excellent photo subjects! Re: the chickadees, I feel they play it both ways in terms of planning and going with the flow. Warmer weather: go with the flow. Cooler and Colder weather: plan by dashing and caching food for the really cold weather.

This is my favourite thing to watch about Black-capped Chickadees: them making repeated trips back and forth from a food source as they cache seeds in every nook and cranny they can find in trees and hedges. Lively and plucky little birds!

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Oh you are right, chickadees do some planning for winter for sure! As do woodpeckers. And barn swallows are one of my favorite photo subjects. I could probably send out all barn swallows every post and never run out - until they leave for the winter! Thank you Neil.

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Sep 1·edited Sep 1Liked by Karen Davis

This is a wonderful true story. A bit of a fable, as your photographs give a ‘moral to the story’. Or maybe, I’ll call it a Fairy tale, as in all good Fairy tales there is a happy ending. And sometimes there are tiny tricksters that love a little chaos.

(I hope for a letter with good results from your screening).

And thank you ( and Jerome Braggs) for the quote. I too will commit it to memory.

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Oooooh, thank you for reminding me about the trickster in the fairy tale. I seem to have lots of experiences with the trickster. He hasn't appeared in my dream for a long while but it used to happen. The trickster always has some purpose in mind though. I love Jerome Braggs, I've listened to hours and hours of his videos on YouTube.

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