May 8, 2023Liked by Karen Davis

A wonderful post, Karen. Just what I needed today. Thank you.

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Thank you Patti

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I found my "sacred pause" in my day while reading your delightful essay. Thanks for these beautiful and thoughtful words, Karen.

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Thank you Ken

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May 8, 2023Liked by Karen Davis

This is so beautiful Karen~ thank you so much❤️

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Thank you Catherine

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May 7, 2023Liked by Karen Davis

A meditation I read just this week talked about statio — pausing on thresholds of liminal space — to allow for transition to occur gently. I do this in terms of both tone and space — between both places and actions/appointments. I find rushing from one place or thing to another leaves no space for God and makes me feel chaotic and out of balance. I like the word pause rather than wait, which sounds a little more anxious and desperate. Pausing includes resting and dwelling in Presence…

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Was that the one yesterday morning from Richard Rohr's Center for Action and Contemplation? I saw it yesterday after I had this post finished. I even thought about trying to add "statio" to it but I just didn't really have time to try and edit it. The timing was amazing.

I love this practice - and you are totally right. I also like the word pause. And then when I pause I really do try to repeat this phrase so I am making space and not just making myself wait.

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May 7, 2023Liked by Karen Davis

Yes! Yahoo! Synchronicity! How lovely! And Dianne Butler Bass' Substack Read on The Cottage today. About resting and dwelling...Blessings, my soul friend!

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This is my favorite post of yours to date. Simply beautiful! And I agree, Ted Lasso is wonderful!!! ❤️

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Thank you Sue! Funny how the posts that end up resonating the most come when I think I have the least to say sometimes.

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I can relate !!

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May 7, 2023Liked by Karen Davis

Wow! Most every week I read your inspiring words and usually I say to myself, "Aren't these words very 'nice'" But this week's words felt profoundly different. Your words went to a place in me that transcended my mind and touched in me my essential nature, my Self beyond any reason and analysis. I felt no urge nor any need to try to understand what you were saying. I immediately felt this strong sense that these words were describing what is usually an impossible thing to do in that they expressed an ineffable TRUTH of what life is really all about.

Thank you so much for this sharing..

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Thank you Steven <3

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May 7, 2023Liked by Karen Davis

Thanks, Karen, your reflections are consistently so very well done- so on target for what our world needs right now. With your permission, I would like to share this as the devotion for my Bible study group tomorrow morning. Thanks for being you!

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Thank you Uncle Bill. I'd be honored if you shared it with your group! Love you.

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Thank you for this. Just what I needed to hear.

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I'm glad Robyn!

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May 7, 2023Liked by Karen Davis

I loved this ❤️❤️😍😍👍👍 this one will stay with me.

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Thank you Aunt Sharon. It's staying with me too!

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