I love the message of this post, simply beautiful... a lesson we can bring with us beyond the festivities surrounding the 4th of July, into the real fireworks which will arrive at the end of the year with the presidential campaign.

Beautiful photo of the fisherman. 💚💚💚

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Thank you Sue!

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Jul 1Liked by Karen Davis

Amazing pictures of the bees and dragonflies 😍❤️ and I do love the fisherman I. The boat… reminds me of my Dad and his canoe 🥰👍

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Awww, Sharon, I love that.

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Jun 30Liked by Karen Davis

A wonderful display of the delicate winged creatures that inhabit our world! I've thought for years that I would love a large, very large photo, say 3ft x 3ft, of the damsel/dragon/bee wings hanging on my wall. As for the 4th... I do delight in the colors and sparkles and would be even more delighted if only they were Quiet fleeting paintings in the night sky. Alas, for over the last two decades they fill me with dread living in a region where there is never rain from May to November - and heat. Predicated to be 109º on the 4th. Grass and roadside fires have already been popping up multiple times a day throughout the county for the last two weeks. During the 4th of July 'season' fire and police sirens constantly keeping me on high alert long into the night, I try my best to stay calm but it feels like a wartime battle zone to remain peacefully still and at ease.

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I love that. I have four photos on canvas hung together of butterflies and dragonflies in my meditation space. Canvas is a great way to make a large print - it's forgiving of noise and it's lightweight! I have a 3 ft x 2 ft sunrise on the wall behind my monitors.

High fire danger is a totally different ballgame. Wishing you rain and safety.

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I hadn't thought of canvas but a great idea.

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Reading one of your posts is a meditation, Karen. Your words are wise and the photos ... well ... we all know how special those are. These beautiful images start rolling down my screen and each one inspires a sharp intake of breath: "Oh! So lovely! This is the best one!" and then the next image appears and "Oh! THIS one is the best one!" Sheer delight, one after another. All I can say is: Thank you. So much. ❤️

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Thank you Jeanne. It's funny how wisdom feels like just bumbling along through life the same way that courage feels like fear most of the time. You are so kind and I'm glad they provide a meditation!!

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Oh Karen, I think your approach is such a good one. Giving yourself a chance to build up your tolerance if only briefly. I live in a place that until very recently was filled with mega booms of dynamite caps and the like for weeks before and after the 4th. I hated it. Then, we had three years in a row of exceptionally hot dry summers and our fire danger was very high. Amazingly people saw that they needed to stop with their fireworks! Now there will still be a lot on the 4th and I will give it its time of celebration and be grateful that it is in a more proportional amount. I may even bang a few pots together, as a way of joining in. And when I need to settle myself, I know I have your wonderful posts to do exactly that.

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One day would be totally fine! There is hope. Meanwhile I’m grateful it’s been raining.

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I live in a very high fire danger area. Fireworks strictly not allowed. We will have a very quiet and peaceful week. Not sure if that makes us lucky or not. Bag packed ready to evacuate on a moments notice.

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Thanks for putting it in perspective! Wishing you rain.

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Jun 30Liked by Karen Davis

Yes , I have friends who are severely affected by the flash and bang. Funny you mentioned drones. I spend almost three seasons lakeside. Luckily the fireworks displays are at individual camps ( not mine) , so old school, light it and run.

And thankfully short lived…

Wish us luck with our ‘boy’ Ranger.

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You make me want to believe that every morning is the beginning of a new world and everything good is possible and life is meant to be glorious.

Thank you, Karen.

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Mmm, this means a lot to me. I used to wonder why I always felt that each new day was hopeful and let my hopes get repeatedly dashed against the rocks. Then I went through a (thankfully brief) period where I woke up feeling despair. Now I’m just grateful for that little bit of Pollyanna on me that looks at each day with possibility and if I crash into the rocks it’s ok, I can do it again.

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But don’t underestimate the happiness you give to the rest of us. There’s a lot of joy just knowing you are appreciated for these little gifts you send out.

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Yes there is!

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I'm not a fan of the close noise of neighborhood fireworks. They used to freak out the horses in the stable, and I'd worry that the spent firecrackers might set the hay aflame! But I do enjoy the glorious displays in the sky for an hour or so on the 4th. I can almost hear the anthem ring.

PS: What is the difference between a damselfly and a dragonfly? I thought all those iridescent blue and red insects were dragonflies.

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Yes, I’m always glad when we come into this season wet. The last few years were dry, and this year it’s very wet, so that fire danger goes down quite a bit. as to damselflies and dragonflies, this explains it better than I could: https://www.nparks.gov.sg/nparksbuzz/issue-40-vol-1-2019/conservation/dragons-and-damsels#:~:text=Dragonflies%20have%20a%20bulkier%20body,wing%20span%20of%2072%20cm!&text=Both%20dragonflies%20and%20damselflies%20have%20two%20pairs%20of%20wings.

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Jun 30Liked by Karen Davis

A lovely, graceful essay.with perfect photos. Rx Nature.🌳🏜️🌴🌲🦆🐝🐜

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Thank you Michael

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Jun 30Liked by Karen Davis

Thank you. I needed that reminder. And the pictures are stunning. Ahhhhh.

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Thank you Leah

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What a pleasure reading this while taking a break from the desert heat and immersing myself for a couple days in the cool mist of the SoCal coast...

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Oh that sounds nice. Enjoy Ken! It was in the middle 60s this morning here and it felt so good. (It won't last but I soaked it in while it was here!)

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What a gift

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Thank you Paolo

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The bee photos are stunning. I feel as if I can feel the sun and hear the buzzing

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Thank you Ally!

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Have you ever curated your very best images and sent them to Audubon, Cornell Scool of Ornithology, National Geographic etc? Hard to imagine you would not get a positive response and a potential job offer.

Karen, your musings suggest to me you might want to listen to Dan Harris's recent interview of Jon Kabat-Zinn on 10% Happier podcast.

Apologies for my unsolicited advice...

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Thank you Clark, you are kind! I love Jon Kabat-Zinn and Dan Harris podcast is usually good one. Haven't listened in a couple years! I'll check it out, thanks for letting me know.

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Jun 30Liked by Karen Davis

As a sufferer of PSTD, I found this post immensely helpful and supportive. I, too, struggle with bright lights, loud noises and anything that triggers my startle response. I agree that learning to sit with something and breathe through it helps with feelings of vulnerability and resistance to that vulnerability. I would love to recapture some of the childlike awe, wonder, and joy of July 4th fireworks that I had BT (Before Trauma). Thanks for giving me a shot of courage to do so.

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Thank you Lauren. I'm working with some hypnosis and embodiment practices to help me find the space in my body. I'll let you know what I find helpful if you wish.

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Jul 2Liked by Karen Davis

Would be most interested!

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