Yes to all the spirals! I find them especially helpful this time of year, when the linearity of our calendar system fills me with anxiety. How can the year be almost over already? What did I accomplish? And I'm one year closer to death!

Then I think of time as a spiral and tell myself that the wheel of the year is turning instead of ending (totally stole that from Lindsay Mack at Tarot for the Wild Soul) and that feels so much gentler and more comforting. It's an ending, but also a beginning. And the new year will be different, but also the same. Nothing truly ends and it's all okay.

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Mmmm, yes. The calendar really is artificial! We get to begin again in any moment.

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I found myself spiralling my joints as I read this, thank you, I needed the reminder of how rewarding spiral thinking can be! Lee Holden is a wonder.

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Lee Holden is a wonder! I love (LOVE) spiraling movements and my joints are so much happier since I started doing them.

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So uplifting; thank you, Karen! I'm going to try your ritual of moving my body in spirals when getting out of bed.

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Yay! My body is thanking me for moving it in gentle ways from morning until night.

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I actually thought about you today Karen as spirals were coming up for me constantly! I actually can’t remember where I read it, but it was in relation to healing and the idea that we go in and out of the same aspect and sometimes it feels like we’re revisiting the same thing, but it’s different. Made perfect sense and brought me back to here. 🙏💫

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Mmmm, I really love this! We definitely do. Thanks Louise!

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I loved this! Especially the bit about your mind working in spirals. Mine too :)

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Right? Multiple interacting spirals.

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Spirals and sunsets some of my favorite things :)

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Thank you Jodie

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So much movement in your 'stills'! My eyes would not believe those Franklin gulls were not moving! I took my focus to the edge of the image to see if any new birds appeared or left and still my eyes would take me back to the swirl, the spiral! and tell me, 'See! They are moving!' Thank you for your magic!

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Thank you Sandy!

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What a beautiful post Karen, both words and photos! I love spirals and have been attracted to them for a long time. They often show up in the compositions of my paintings. Took Qi Gong years ago from a master teacher and really loved the flow achieved. Happy you are enjoying this art form as well. Thanks so much for sharing! xx

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Thank you Debbie

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Spirals are a poignant image that I return to a lot in my own thinking as well. Love the many different versions you've shared here.

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Thank you Kathryn

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I love this theme of spirals and the synchronicity of it that we find in nature Karen. I’ve just started doing Qi Gong and am loving the movement and stillness that it brings.

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Yes! I hope you enjoy qigong as much as I do. I’ve been doing it almost a year now and I’m thoroughly engrossed in learning!

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If one can have a favorite shape, mine is without doubt the spiral. For many years I had personal stationery with a chambered nautilus -- one of nature's most beautiful and intriguing spirals -- as the embossed logo. I felt it was an image that spoke for my identity, to who I was as a person. A creature who was growing by stages, leaving behind one "chamber" of life and learning as I moved into the next. Having just had a birthday this past week, I continue to find this metaphor revealing. Yes, it is all about movement and growth -- evolution of the person and creatureliness.

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Mmmm, I love this Lauren!

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