Stop asking: Am I good enough?
Ask only: Am I showing up with love? - Julia Fehrenbacher
It’s been a long, pain-filled and difficult week though perhaps just today I’ve turned the corner. I didn’t want to write about the week that’s been. In my sangha this week we did a practice of asking each other over and over, “What do you love”. That practice inspired the writing below. It’s a beautiful practice to do with another and a lovely practice to mull over in your own mind.
I love sunlight glimmering on dragonfly wings monarchs floating by on the breeze crows chattering, vultures swirling willow trees being willow trees. I love the quiet of the stars in the early dawn the rush of colors leading the sun to her crest on the horizon the bright blue of a sunny sky. I love my nieces, nephews, sister, dad dear friends who love me well my beautiful sangha, kind strangers and the part of me that never gives up. I love baby birds, gulls and terns shorebirds on the waters edge herons, egrets, hawks, eagles and the colorful birds of the trees. I love still mornings, a nice cup of tea beautiful music that makes the body soften, move gently, moving on the breeze created by the sound. There is so much of life to love. What do you love?
Here are some of the things I’ve loved recently:
I’d love to hear from you in the comments - what do you love?
I love your sharings of photos & words ~
I love this newsletter <3 and I love hearing little paws come running when I get home, I love new blooms on old plants, I love putting just the tiniest bit of cinnamon in my coffee, I love finding new music, I love watching old movies, I love the moment you start to feel better after feeling ill, I love speculating about first snow, I love turmeric and curry and cumin and garlic, I love watching dogs dream, I love the first chill in the air and the first sweater you pair with it.
Hoping you feel better soon.