It goes so fast, these moments of life, gone in a blink just like the otter. Gratitude washes over me for the moments I am able to notice, to savor. The moments where time slows down as if we have no time to be busy, no time to move fast. Only time to notice, to feel, to wonder, to enjoy. BAM! She does it again! Magic Karen 😍
To slow down. To pay attention. To let that be enough. As my health deteriorates doing anything else becomes less satisfying and more difficult- and still it is a challenge to remember this. I am grateful for your beautiful reminders.
What a gift it is to be able to return a tiny bit of what you have given. I'm pretty sure your level of play in the art of slowing down and paying attention is well advanced of my own. Learning!
This one was very special for me. When I was a small child, my father would sing me a silly song that his mother had sung to him: Something about "little duckies on the water, only doing what they 'otter.'" And I was so excited when I saw my first sea otters in Carmel Bay, CA. Thanks for some sweet memories. Happy "Sun" day! :-)
I know, right? It was the guy who runs the farm share I belong to actually. He posted a picture of one he had picked up in his field and explained it, then I looked it up!
This was a joy to read as the sun rises where I am located. The sound of birds accompanied this thoughtful piece you’ve written. thank you.
It goes so fast, these moments of life, gone in a blink just like the otter. Gratitude washes over me for the moments I am able to notice, to savor. The moments where time slows down as if we have no time to be busy, no time to move fast. Only time to notice, to feel, to wonder, to enjoy. BAM! She does it again! Magic Karen 😍
Thank you so much
OMG, Mama Crawfish 🥰🥰🥰
Lovely photos, Karen. It looks similar to my area of the world with lovely sunsets & sunrises over the water.
It’s so important to slow down and observe. I find I notice so many details others miss. Great post!
Thank you. I write for myself too of course - some days I am better at it than others.
Love love love this… I feel like I was on a morning meditation with you….. beautiful ❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍👍👍👍
Thank you, that's what I was hoping for!
To slow down. To pay attention. To let that be enough. As my health deteriorates doing anything else becomes less satisfying and more difficult- and still it is a challenge to remember this. I am grateful for your beautiful reminders.
What a gift it is to be able to return a tiny bit of what you have given. I'm pretty sure your level of play in the art of slowing down and paying attention is well advanced of my own. Learning!
This one was very special for me. When I was a small child, my father would sing me a silly song that his mother had sung to him: Something about "little duckies on the water, only doing what they 'otter.'" And I was so excited when I saw my first sea otters in Carmel Bay, CA. Thanks for some sweet memories. Happy "Sun" day! :-)
Awww, I love that! Thank you for sharing it with me!
Oh that's so interesting! I didn't know what the song was, but I could hear it in my head. I knew the sound of it!
I know, right? It was the guy who runs the farm share I belong to actually. He posted a picture of one he had picked up in his field and explained it, then I looked it up!