Also, I am going to hold a sitting group again soon online. You’ll be the first to know. 😘

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This is absolutely what is going on for me too. A lot of internal world exploration and call for quiet and vastness.

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Beautiful Karen--I'm with you. Time to nest....

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May 23, 2022Liked by Karen Davis

Yes to all of this. This time of year often feels too chaotic and fast-paced, and it never seems like I can do ENOUGH. But you're right - taking time to reprioritize rest during this busy season is just the reminder I needed to hear!

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Beautiful photographs

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As always, your newsletters are reminders of the beauty of this world. I relate to having an impulse to nest, specially this time of year. Being part of a sangha will surely be helpful. Be well.

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May 23, 2022Liked by Karen Davis

In a flare~ words don’t come easy~ but thank you much needed❤️

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As I was discussing with one of my spiritual directees yesterday, it's as much about the journey as the destination. Sometimes more so!

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Love all the resources for your nesting project! Thanks for sharing. I think we all need to nest sometimes and there's nothing wrong with that impulse and great wisdom in being able to know when that time has arrived for you.

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Your Program for Inner Peace sounds perfect, woven with wonderful resource/practice threads. It sounds as though you have started a lovely summer tapestry that will warm your heart and memories when winter comes. Wishing you many precious moments of just being.

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May 22, 2022Liked by Karen Davis

I agree wholeheartedly with all you've shared. :) With the shift into the Age of Aquarius upon us (knowing the God/Source/Creator within and as ourselves vs Pisces (knowing it without) ) seems in our own unique ways we are all becoming our own turtle. :)

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May 22, 2022Liked by Karen Davis

Delightful posts- resonates with where I am- and thanks for reminding me about Mary Chapin-Carpenter's wonderful song. I am deeply grateful for, what is for me, life-sustaining solitude.

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Lovely post by a seeking mind! Do check out sokaglobal.org for a perspective on the practice of chanting Nam Myo Ho Renge kyo as well.

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Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a shell where you can instantly disappear into it and no one can get in! It sounds very much from all your meditation activities that it is time for you to quietly go inwards

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