Oops! Send unintended. Your image of the foggy, yellow sunrise pulses with energy! The bluebird is the very picture of a life we’re so fortunate to be part of. Enjoy the equinox!
As one of the Three Stooges used to exclaim, “Faskanating!” You provided another beautiful album of imagery and observation, Karen. My dog and I were treated to the slow tapping on a tree by a Pileated Woodpecker! Rarely seen in our area but always good reason for delight!
Most of the birds, like the handsome young vulture, posed in grand fashion.
It certainly has been a nice full moon. It seemed to be following me around all week. Love knowing that anyone anywhere in the world may also be looking at it. Wishing you the pitter patter of raindrops soon.
I will always remain curious, always, keeps me going when the going gets tough. We need rain desperately, saw a full size cottonwood filled with wilted leaves, mid New England. Lots of yellow
and red appearing in trees as seasonal color starts. Found a surprise in the wild part of my garden-grapes.
Wish I could send you some of our rain! It's been torrential! Growing webbed feet and gills in South Florida. But at least it seems to be keeping the hurricanes at bay. Hope you get some relief in reasonable amounts soon.
Yeah, it seems like everyone is either getting too much or too little. Imagine if we had a network where we could move water from where it's overflowing to where it's needed!
Yes… curiosity keeps life interesting ❤️😍🥰👍. Beautiful photos😍❤️👍
Yes it does. Sometimes it takes me a minute to get there. Thanks Sharon!
As always i loved it all. I love fall and yellow is great. Curiosity is the foundation of creativity which you excell at!!!
Thank you Linda!
Baby bluebirds bouncing on bugs! Just gorgeous.
Thank you Jeffrey!
You have a talent for capturing and animating with a telling phrase the beauties of the world around us!
Yes, yellow and orange are fall colors. The golden hours. Alas, our hummingbirds have fled the feeder, but the second batch of quailings can fly now.
Is it usual for your hummingbirds to stay around this late in the year?
Thank you, Karen, for another thoughtful, lovely post. You are a gift.
Thank you Switter! I don't think it's terribly unusual to have the hummers this late, but in another week to 10 days it will be.
Love the images, Karen - especially the curious doe. :)
Thank you Neil
Oops! Send unintended. Your image of the foggy, yellow sunrise pulses with energy! The bluebird is the very picture of a life we’re so fortunate to be part of. Enjoy the equinox!
That happens to me daily, lol. Thank you Gary!
As one of the Three Stooges used to exclaim, “Faskanating!” You provided another beautiful album of imagery and observation, Karen. My dog and I were treated to the slow tapping on a tree by a Pileated Woodpecker! Rarely seen in our area but always good reason for delight!
Most of the birds, like the handsome young vulture, posed in grand fashion.
I love it!
Especially love the photograph of the Northern Flicker. So easily identified by their call and flight patterns.
(Updated brain soaked song report; underdog has flown away, relief, but 59th St. Bridge song is back on repeat…)
59th street bridge song is good on repeat! I like it when it just sneaks back in. Thank you Lor.
It certainly has been a nice full moon. It seemed to be following me around all week. Love knowing that anyone anywhere in the world may also be looking at it. Wishing you the pitter patter of raindrops soon.
I love that about the moon too and I think about it almost every time I look at the moon. Thanks Sandy!
Oh no! 'Baby bluebirds blouncing on blugs'! Here we go again...
LOL, I almost put your name next to that one... :D
lol - I will need more tea before I try to say that line.
I will always remain curious, always, keeps me going when the going gets tough. We need rain desperately, saw a full size cottonwood filled with wilted leaves, mid New England. Lots of yellow
and red appearing in trees as seasonal color starts. Found a surprise in the wild part of my garden-grapes.
Wishing you rain too! We don't get fall colors if it's too dry. I love that surprise!
Wish I could send you some of our rain! It's been torrential! Growing webbed feet and gills in South Florida. But at least it seems to be keeping the hurricanes at bay. Hope you get some relief in reasonable amounts soon.
Yeah, it seems like everyone is either getting too much or too little. Imagine if we had a network where we could move water from where it's overflowing to where it's needed!
From your lips to God's ears! :-)