Quick question, totally off topic. You offered some great info to readers in a post about a month ago about how to opt out of certain things on Substack, which I wanted to share with my readers. I copied it, and now I can't find it. Can you point me to the post that offered that info.

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Sifting through your favorites with my coffee in hand. What a treat.

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Thank you

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Feathers are a talisman for me. Seeing them in your beautiful post made me feel all warm and gratitudey. Lovely lovely photos.

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I love "gratitudey"! Thanks for sharing this with me. Feathers are so meaningful to me too.

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I know this was written a while ago but there is a serenity and mindful quality in both your writing style and photos that I absolutely adore. Nature, as Thoreau once said, is indeed a form of prayer.

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Mar 12, 2022·edited Mar 12, 2022Author

I also have to say, this comment really makes me grateful because of the post I have written for tomorrow (which I had published and ready to send just before I saw the comment). If you read tomorrow's post you may get a little bit of a chuckle. They say we write what we need to hear and it is certainly true for me!

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Cheers Karen. I can't wait to read it! And absolutely agree on writing what we need to hear - it is a blissful form of catharsis!

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Thank you so much!

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Just wow. I mean look at the pictures- the detailing of a palm size feather, pristine water droplets. This was a soothing read.

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Thank you Kamna

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Jan 8, 2022Liked by Karen Davis

What a beautiful posting, both of words and pictures. Such a graceful beginning of the new year!

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Thank you

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Amazing shots! I love this kind of magical vibe in this post. Have a great start of this week and year, Karen ✨

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Thank you

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Jan 3, 2022Liked by Karen Davis

Wonderful <3 Happy new year, Karen!

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Thank you

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Jan 2, 2022Liked by Karen Davis

Yes.. always interesting to see👍❤️

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Jan 2, 2022Liked by Karen Davis

Beautiful ❤️

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Thank you Sharon. I was just reviewing my journals from last year and found that in April I wrote, "How do I refashion a life around soft, gentle, vulnerable, emotionally connected." I'm always amazed at what shows up!

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Jan 2, 2022Liked by Karen Davis

Your writing combined with your pictures are a gift to us all~ look forward to 2022~ blessings Karen❤️

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Thank you Catherine! I'm so glad we've become friends.

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Jan 2, 2022Liked by Karen Davis

So am I Karen~ ❤️

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Jan 2, 2022Liked by Karen Davis

Your Heart-fully, intelligently written experience, out-pictured through the lens of your creative gift. Inspirational….thank you for sharing this gift with us. You fill a thirst we have for Real Heart expression.

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Thank you Patricia - that helps me see the value in sharing it!

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Jan 2, 2022Liked by Karen Davis

Love this so much, Karen! Blessings to you in 2022, may each day bring new wonders and peace to you. <3

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Thank you, wishing you everything your heart desires in 2022.

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Jan 2, 2022Liked by Karen Davis

Beautifully written and deeply insightful Karen. And those photos! (And those feathers!!) Wishing you all good things as the new year unfolds.

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Thank you Oriah, wishing you so much joy, peace, laughter and love in 2022.

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Jan 2, 2022Liked by Karen Davis

Just. Wow. Loved this. Thank you!

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Thank you Dan!

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Jan 2, 2022Liked by Karen Davis

This is one of the most beautiful and wise things I have ever read in my 70+ years. I am going to bookmark it and re-read it every day as part of my meditation/prayer time. Thank you, Karen, for sharing this profound God-incidence. Once again, the timing is impeccable.

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Thank you Lauren, I'm glad it resonated so deeply with you!

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